The Wheatgrass Blog

A place called Gourmet Greens, grower and shipper of soil grown fresh wheatgrass and salad greens since 1982. We supply health food stores, juice bars, and individuals with USDA certified organic fresh wheatgrass, sunflower, radish and snow pea greens, and wheatgrass juicers.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Pilates Studio Likes Our Wheatgrass

For a few weeks now we have been sending our certified organic fresh wheatgrass to a Pilates Studio. They order by email and we just today received this compliment:

"We are a new account with you, and I wanted to let you know how happy we are with your Wheatgrass! Thank you so much. It is the freshest tasting wheatgrass ever, and we (and our clients) are loving it!"

Unlike many wheatgrass growers we grow our wheatgrass the old fashioned way. It is grown with composted soil the way I learned to do it from Ann Wigmore back in the early seventies at the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston, MA.


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