Can't Find Soil Grown Wheatgrass
A few days ago we received an inquiry from a wheatgrass user in Manhattan:
"I live in NYC and am trying to find wheatgrass sold in soil/ in a tray. I understand you don't offer this, but do you know of anyone who does? Thank you for your help!"
There is a grower that supplies soil grown wheatgrass to some stores in NYC, but this grower is not certified organic. Who knows where they get their soil from? I was in New York City last winter and went into a Jamba Juice Store. When I saw wheatgrass juice listed on their menu I thought, great - I'll have a shot. But when I saw the tray of wheatgrass I changed my mind. It was short, falling over, and yellow. I asked to see it up close. There was no soil for the roots to obtain nutrients and obviously it had not even been watered. I feel bad for anyone who reads about the great benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice, tries it in a store like this, and thinks this is what wheatgrass is.
"I live in NYC and am trying to find wheatgrass sold in soil/ in a tray. I understand you don't offer this, but do you know of anyone who does? Thank you for your help!"
There is a grower that supplies soil grown wheatgrass to some stores in NYC, but this grower is not certified organic. Who knows where they get their soil from? I was in New York City last winter and went into a Jamba Juice Store. When I saw wheatgrass juice listed on their menu I thought, great - I'll have a shot. But when I saw the tray of wheatgrass I changed my mind. It was short, falling over, and yellow. I asked to see it up close. There was no soil for the roots to obtain nutrients and obviously it had not even been watered. I feel bad for anyone who reads about the great benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice, tries it in a store like this, and thinks this is what wheatgrass is.
At 3:33 PM, April 02, 2009,
Rich said…
A new post on blog
At 1:18 PM, August 24, 2009,
Anonymous said…
You can find wheatgrass in Manhattan at the Union Square Farmer's Market -- Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. The booth is called Greener Pastures, and the owner is Stewart Borowski. Look for the old school bus on the west side of the park around 16th Street. He sells single or double shots, or he will sell entire trays as well - harvested or not harvested. I used to buy a harvested tray and bring it home to juice and freeze. You can get on his mailing list at and he will send you emails to let you know if he won't be there for whatever reason.
At 2:37 PM, September 04, 2009,
Rich said…
There is another wheatgrass grower in Manhattan called GREENGRASS LIFE. Place an order by logging on to
At 6:41 PM, October 19, 2009,
Unknown said…
I am stunned to see juice bars selling old wheatgrass. It gives it a bad taste and a bad reputation. Most people who I talk to that have had the wheatgrass shots at the juice bars, tell me they gagged. Really fresh wheatgrass is sweet... and if you need to sweeten it a bit for you palate, I recommend using organic agave syrup.
At 12:52 PM, November 15, 2009,
Anonymous said…
It's a bad idea to "sweeten" wheat grass juice with agave. Many people cannot handle the intense sugars in the wheat grass as is. Adding agave makes this worse, and is likely to cause vomiting.
If you need to dilute wheat grass juice, use another green juice such as celery or lettuce, or just plain spring water.
At 6:33 AM, January 05, 2010,
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
At 8:00 PM, September 13, 2010,
Wheatgrass Home said…
I would much rather just grow it from home and have an electric juicer. Then you know it is as fresh as can be.
At 2:37 PM, April 14, 2011,
Unknown said…
Mixing wheat grass juice with fresh squeezed grape juice ( preferably the not so sweet ones) is a good alternative for children and for people who are not used to the taste. The grape juice provides a very good base and is also rich in anti oxidants.
At 5:17 PM, September 10, 2011,
Anonymous said…
I just returned from a three week stay at the Hippocrates Health Institute. There I learned about the benefits of a raw food lifestyle with emphasis on drinking wheatgrass on a daily basis. I am a believer. I bought myself a juicer and will grow the stuff if I have to. Squeezing lemon into the wheatgrass makes it very tolerable for those who have a hard time with the taste. There is a huge difference in taste between properly grown fresh wheatgrass and old wheatgrass. Besides it loses all the nutritional value. Hope this helps somebody. S
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