The Wheatgrass Blog

A place called Gourmet Greens, grower and shipper of soil grown fresh wheatgrass and salad greens since 1982. We supply health food stores, juice bars, and individuals with USDA certified organic fresh wheatgrass, sunflower, radish and snow pea greens, and wheatgrass juicers.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

A little to start out...

Hi, thanks for coming to our blogspace. This is a place for us to keep you, our customers, informed of recent changes/updates at our greenhouse. Please feel free to comment to any of the posts we share with you. Your questions/comments are important and a vital part of our customer service goals. We will try to keep up changes as much as possible here, so check back from time to time for updates!!!

You can also go to our Greenhouse website. Again, thank you for your time here and we hope it was useful to you.