This Years Organic Farmers Certificate Arrived !

Labels: certificate, certification, Gourmet Greens, green, greens, NOFA, organic, pea, peas, radish, sprouts, sunflower, wheatgrass
A place called Gourmet Greens, grower and shipper of soil grown fresh wheatgrass and salad greens since 1982. We supply health food stores, juice bars, and individuals with USDA certified organic fresh wheatgrass, sunflower, radish and snow pea greens, and wheatgrass juicers.
Labels: certificate, certification, Gourmet Greens, green, greens, NOFA, organic, pea, peas, radish, sprouts, sunflower, wheatgrass
Gourmet Greens
198 Dodge Road
Chester, VT 05143
Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year
Dear Customer,
Please note that this year all three holidays fall on Thursdays.
Therefore Gourmet Greens will be shipping only on Mondays and Tuesdays of those weeks:
Monday Nov. 24 and Tuesday Nov. 25 for Thanksgiving week;
Monday Dec. 22 and Tuesday Dec. 23 for Christmas week and
Monday Dec. 29 and Tuesday Dec. 30 for New Year’s week.
Please keep these shipping dates in mind as you order by phone or email. And remember that your order will arrive the day after it is shipped.
If you have a standing order that is shipped on Thursdays, please call the week of Nov. 17
to reschedule your holiday shipment for Tuesday.
Thank you.
Rich Rommer
Gourmet Greens